Telefonnij Spravochnik Leningrada
Aug 27, Oct 31, 1988 - 5 Spravochnik ekonomista predpriiatiia sviazi, p. There is one experimental installation in the Leningrad city network, and same.
Slavic and East European Studies The University of Chicago Library SELECT LIST OF NEW REFERENCE TITLES: EAST CENTRAL AND SOUTHEASTERN EUROPE AND COUNTRIES OF THE FORMER SOVIET UNION (February 1997) ALBANIA Basha, Ylvi. Fjalor mesimor anglisht-shqip.
Tirane: Shtepia Botuese e Librit Shkollor, 1987. [PG9591.B37 1987 RR2S] Duro, Ilo. Fjalor shqip-anglisht = Albanian-English Dictionary. Tirane: Shtepia Botuese 'S. Nentori', 1988. [PG9591.D87 1988 RR2S] Hutchings, Raymond.
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[HA1620.5.A4 1989 Gen] BALTIC STATES Baltijas valstis un Ziemelvalstis: Statistisko datu krajums = The Baltic and the Nordic Countries: A Collection of Statistical Data. Riga: Latvijas Republikas Valsts statistikas komiteja, 1996. [DK502.35.B35 1996 Gen] Buga, Kazimieras. Litovsko-russkii slovarchik: k pervym 20-ti litovskim skazkam v izdanii 'Lietuviu pasakos' (Vilnius, 1905): posobie dlia prakticheskikh zaniatii po iazykoviedieniiu i po 'sravnitel'noi grammatikie' i dlia samoobucheniia. Bugoiu pri uchastii I. Imperatorskoi Akademii nauk, 1912. [PG8682.R8B842 1912 Gen] Eesti rahvastik rahvaloenduste andmetel = Population of Estonia by Population Censuses.
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Tallinn: Eesti Statistikaamet, 1995- 1996. [HA1460.3.E3450 1995 RR2S] Kas yra kas Lietuvoje 1993. Vilnius: Politika, 1993.
[DK505.84.K37 RR2 and Gen] Kniuksta, Pranas. Mokomasis lietuviu kalbos rasybos ir kirciavimo zodynas. Kaunas: Sviesa, 1996.
[PG8547.K65 1996 Gen] Lauksaimnieciba Latvija 1991.-1995.g.: statistiko datu krajums: Agriculture in Latvia 1991-1995: A Collection of Statistical Data. Riga: Latvijas Republikas Valsts statistikas komitja, 1996. [S469.L3L38 1996 Sci] Lietuviu literaturos mokslas ir kritika: 1990-1991: bibliografine rodykle. Vilnius: Lietuviu literaturos ir tautosakos institutas, 1995. [Z2537.L445 Gen] Lietuvos socialine raida 1993 metais: statistinis rinkinys. Vilnius: Metodinis leidybinis centras, 1994. [HN539.9.A4 Gen] Linkrus, Elle.
Professor Endel Varepi trukitood. Tartu: Taru Ulikool Geografia Instituut, 1995. [G69.V37L555 1995 Gen] Mathiassen, T.
A Short Grammar of Lithuanian. Columbus, OH: Slavica, 1996. [PG8531.M380 1996 Gen] Ramoniene, Meilute. Colloquial Lithuanian: A Complete Language Course for Beginners. London; New York: Routledge, 1996. Easy dvd creator free. [PG3859.5.E5P740 1996 Gen] The Republic of Latvia: A Reference Book.