Pokemon Conquest Rom Anti Piracy Patch


Pokemon Conquest Patch Rom download free. For the Nintendo DS. Pok mon set in the world of Nobunaga's Ambition. James rates this game: 5/5. And this is the AP (Anti Piracy) Patch if you want to patch the CLEAN ROM 1. On a classic Pokemon game, Pokemon Conquest is a fun distraction that will occupy your attention for hours on ends.

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Hello everyone, First i like to apologize if i posted this in the wrong section. Anyway i just bought an AceKard 2i last week for my DSI and i wanted to play Pokemon Black/White 2 but i'm running into a little problem. I already applyed the anti-piracy patch to it and everything btw i'm running Akaio 1.9 the latest firmware. The game loads up fine it passes the animation but when it comes time to get to the main screen it goes black the background music still play's with static but everything is frozen. I already tried switching to Akaio 1.8.9 and Akaio 1.8.9z and still nothing. I been trying to get it working for hours but no dice. Can anyone help me?

Pesnya moj kazahstan stepi polya reki morya Thank you for any help in advance! Alright thank you for all the help. I downloaded just about every ROM for it i could find and none of them work for me.LOL thats my sh***ty luck for you.

I downloaded them from difference sources as well urgh lol. I guess i'll just wait for the English version of it to come out since apparently i'm having no problems with those.I played Pokemon conquest all the way to the end with no issues just one random freeze at some point, but i power off my DSI and power back on and it didn't happen again.I downloaded a different Japanese regional only game to test if it really was my SD card or acekard issue but it played fine.I'm guessing most of the Pokemon Black/White 2 ROMS at this point have Gone bad. Anyway thank you for all the help!

Wisalabidaloka wrote:Hi, I'm new here. Why does some of my games won't work on my drastic? I'm using android. Other games are working but tokimeki memorial and duel love won't load. Can anyone tell me why? Are the ROMs encrypted? You might either need to decrypt them or use an NDS BIOS afaik.


That or the ROMs might be corrupted as what I can attest at one time. ROm could be broken/corrupted but they could also have AP protection that makes them not boot. Pokemon Conquest would just show a white screen unless it had a Anti-piracy patch applied. Also if your roms are in the external microsd card, some games won't load properly on slower cards so try moving it to your internal memory and loading them if they are on a external sd.