Monark Bicycle Serial Numbers


Feb 2, 2011 - well i got a monark, now i need to id it, its always good to know what you're riding. I'm planning on doing this build using a skiptooth system so i. Serial numbers on bikes are usually found on the part that holds the crank arms to the bike Share to: You got a monark silver king bicycle model number4416 serial number0341589 what year is it.

Download more voices for balabolka paul 1. Begins a very old thread on serial numbers, which are, in reality, a model code, EE, etcetera, followed by a sequence number, usually four or five digits. (I obtained the table from a source believed to be reliable, but I have not checked that table with Monarch). From the sequence number, one can tell within a few weeks of when Monarch's production control department committed to making a particular machine. The sequence number may or may not indicate when a machine was finished, as it is a sequence number assigned when the manufacture of a particular lathe order was accepted.

Bicycle serial number chart

The serial number plate affixed to the frame indicates a lot of interesting facts, sometimes including the value of the machine, and often the actual date of completion. The number stamped between the Vee and Flat way, at the right end of the machine, will always indicate the model and the sequence number. Given those two facts, Monarch can, within reason, respond to questions about and requests for prints and parts. Of course, this doesn't account for bed changes, but that's to be expected. There are bound to be apparent exceptions, particularly on so-called 'War Baby' machines, as some of those were scheduled as dozens or even hundreds of otherwise identical machines at the beginning of a period, with individual examples coming out of Monarch's erection floor when they were ready for shipment. And, in those times of particular economic and political stress, world-wide, parts remaining from otherwise old stock may have been used on a new machine, which accounts for the crossover in 12.0' and 12.5' EEs and the various versions of M-Gs, DC Panels, and WiaDs.


The official changeover from Ward-Leonard System to WiaD was 1949, but customer demand kept the W-LS machines rolling off the production line a LOT longer than Monarch had anticipated. What you sacrifice with the W-LS is efficiency. What you gain is customer familiarity with these systems as all kinds of elevators and hoists (and equivalent devices in a naval setting) also used the WL-S. What you sacrifice with an electronic drive is serviceability, unless the customers are specially trained. What you gain with an electronic drive is efficiency (almost no power consumption when idling, and, obviously, no M-G noise).

A competent radio technician could fix a WiaD, but an M-G repairer should know a little about rotating power amplifiers. Oh, yes, the navy used Amplidyne®-based systems, which are like WL-S, but with a very much higher amplification factor. The B-29 (defensive) fire-control systems were all Amplidyne-based. Probably a lot of naval fire-control systems, too. It takes a lot of amplification to move a turret with three 18' guns. The serial number table which I posted is not fool-proof. Monarch assigned sequence numbers, not serial numbers.

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As Production Control received an order, a sequence number was assigned, sequentially. As machines were completed, perhaps a year or more later, the sequence number was stamped on the machine as its serial number. Plus the model identifier (EE, etcetera). You should find lots of groups of sequence numbers which refer to identical machines. Say, the DoD ordered 100 10EEs, and specified a delivery schedule which was convenient to it. Monarch would assign those 100 sequence numbers immediately upon receipt of the order. As the machines left the erection hall (final assembly) the original sequence number and the date of completion would be stamped on the machine.