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John deere planter serial number guide printable. Planting equipment from John Deere. Visit today to see our full line of planters to maximize yield potential. Planting Equipment. Having a planter that can. Serial number information To better understand each position in the 17-digital serial number, the chart below lists the position number, use of that position and what the position means, specific to large tractors (7R, 8R/8RT Series and 9030 Series Tractors). The serial number can be used to track and identify individual John Deere tractors. Identify the letter and numbers in positions nine through 12 in a 17-symbol VIN. Locate your John Deere Product Identification Number. Finding your model number and serial number is as easy as locating the identification tag on your machine. As seen in the example, the model number will be displayed below the MODEL heading (Example: Z235), and the serial number will be underlined on the top-right corner of the tag (Example.