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Following my, Here’s how to migrate / transfer data from old storage solutions (CD-ROMs, SCSI drives and floppy disks) to a SCSI2SD board. TABLE OF CONTENTS PART 1: Intro PART 2: Software setup PART 3: SD card access PART 4: Computer to SCSI2SD PART 5: CD-ROM to SCSI2SD PART 6: Image to SCSI2SD PART 7: Floppy Disk to SCSI2SD PART 8: External SCSI Drive to SCSI2SD PART 1: Intro When a SCSI2SD board is connected to the computer (using a micro-USB cable), data on the SD card is not accessible. All you can do is upgrade the firmware, configure and save the settings. Once formatted on the sampler, the SD card is no longer accessible on the computer (using an actual USB card reader). Ensoniq format is not supported, not even recognized (the computer can only format the card). So how to access, transfer and manage Ensoniq data on the SD card?


PART 2: Software setup You will need 1 program and 3 plugins. Everything is free.

Total Commander: • ENSONIQFS: • EnsoniqUnpacker.zip: • EnsoniqUnpackerEFE.zip: Install and run Total Commander. Install all 3 plugins.

Close Total Commander. Photos: PART 3: SD card access Run Total Commander. Connect the micro-SD card to the computer using a USB SD card reader. In the right window, select: Network Neighborhood Double click on: Ensoniq Filesystems Total Commander mounts the SD card as a physical drive Double click on: Physical disks This is the directory where you have access to all (4) devices of the SCSI2SD V5 board. Only the ones that have already been formatted on the sampler will show up.

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You can see the device I labeled EPS+001 in my video. Select and open the device you want to access.

You can see all the default directories that were created, the OS and the free blocks (storage) information. It is exactly the same as shown on the sampler after formatting the device (see picture). Photos: PART 4: Computer to SCSI2SD Years ago I was able to convert 3 Ensoniq CD-ROMs to the HxC Floppy Emulator format and I kept all the original content archived on my computer. More recently I was able to transfer that content to a device on a SCSI2SD board. Here’s my report: First, in Total Commander (left window), I located on my computer the stuff that I wanted to transfer to the SCSI2SD device. I can navigate any folder and sub-folder in the directory structure.